Rethinking CELLULITE Treatment

Cellution® is a revolutionary advance in the world of aesthetic medicine: a unique technological synergy, that is the result of Deleo’s 15 years of expertise in body contouring and research and development.

The encounter between clinical knowledge and treatment experience of our clients in the medical field led to the creation of Cellution®. This innovative device offers a complete and cutting-edge solution for treating cellulite.

Patiente Cellution allongé pour être traité

9 women out of 10

affected by cellulite in post-puberty.


Understanding cellulite

Cellulite, also known as superficial lipodystrophy, results from an increase in the number or volume of adipocytes, which sit in the superficial part of the hypodermis. This phenomenon is accompanied by water retention, due to a deficient venolymphatic circulation and a hormonal imbalance between estrogens and progesterone, influencing capillary permeability.

Over time, aperiadipocyte fibrosis can form gradually, giving a hardened consistency to cellulite that becomes more difficult to remove.

Orange épluché en spirale artistique

3 types of cellulite

These phenomena lead to three different types of cellulite: edematous cellulite, characterized by a predominance of water retention ; adipose cellulite, associated with excessive fat accumulation; and fibrous cellulite, characterized by pronounced fibrosis.

Understanding these different types of cellulite and their underlying causes is essential to choosing the best treatment approach and achieving optimal results.

Deleo marks a significant advance in the diagnosis of cellulite by introducing thermographic plates, a technology that revolutionizes our approach. These advanced devices represent much more than a simple surface analysis; by generating precise thermal maps of the microcirculations, they allow the in-depth exploration and diagnosis of cellulite.

Cellulite oedemateuse

Edematous cellulite

Fade sleeve image, microcirculatory peats.

Cellulite adipeuse

Fat cellulite

Image in “leopard skin” with several spots of different colours and presence of micronodules.

Cellulite fibreuse

Fibrous cellulite

“Black hole” image with brown areas and presence of macronodules.

Patiente Cellution allongé pour être traité

Cellution®: A revolutionary solution

This innovation ingeniously combines four cutting-edge technologies: high-intensity focused diodes (HIFD™ technology), a mechanical massage, active dermocosmetic ingredients, and specifically calibrated radial vibration waves.

Cellution DELEO by Polissons

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